University of California

California RREA Program


Landowners and managers face challenges associated with invasive species, the increased risk of destructive wildfires, and climate change. Extending science-based information is essential for addressing resource management concerns from rangeland and forest health to local economies.

UC ANR uses limited RREA funds to provide grants to academics to expand the capacity of natural resource extension educators to deliver current, relevant, research-based programs to help forest and rangeland owners, communities, policymakers, and the public make informed decisions in areas that are critical importance to the ecological, social, and economic well-being of California.

Goals of the UC ANR Renewable Resources Extension Act (RREA) program include:

  • Engage forest and rangeland communities with research-based information on wildfire risk-management and post-fire recovery strategies
  • Provide research-based information on the importance of forest and rangeland resources, particularly their effect on rural and urban communities
  • Educate and provide the tools needed for sustainable management practices to be utilized by forest and range landowners and managers for their lands and ecosystem services
  • Increase the capacity of range and forest landowners, managers, and professionals in invasive species threat assessment and implementation of effective invasive management strategies that help protect forest and rangeland ecosystems.
  • Encourage management of forests and rangelands that improve water quality and quantity

These issues require integrative approaches from diverse perspectives and innovative solutions. Through the limited federal funds allocated to the UC ANR RREA program, we leverage the research results using our Cooperative Extension delivery network. Cooperative Extension, the principal outreach arm of UC Agriculture and Natural Resources, includes approximately 275 academic appointees; Advisors located in the state’s communities, and Specialists, located on the University of California Berkeley, Davis, Riverside and Merced campuses.

The results of this delivery system demonstrate the continued success of the original vision for the public university system “on behalf of the people.”

Webmaster Email: arayray@ucanr.edu